1052 Ga 3:1 Galatians

1052.  Strong's Dictionary Study

1052. Galates {gal-at'-ace}; from 1053; a Galatian or inhabitant of Galatia: --Galatian.[ql



 1052 -- Galatian.

1052   Interlinear Index Study

1052  GAL 003 001 .  O foolish <0453 -anoetos -> Galatians <{1052} -Galates -> ,  who <5101 -tis -> hath bewitched <0940 -baskaino -> you ,  that ye should not obey <3982 -peitho -> the truth <0225 -aletheia -> ,  before <2596 -kata -> whose <3739 -hos -> eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> hath been evidently <4270 -prographo -> set <4270 -prographo -> forth <4270 -prographo -> ,  crucified <4717 -stauroo -> among <1722 -en -> you ?



  Galates 1052 -- Galatian.

* galatians , 1052 ,



   Galatian 1052 #  Expanded Dictionary Study

  Galatian 1052 # Galates {gal-at'-ace}; from 1053; a Galatian or inhabitant of Galatia: -- {Galatian}.[ql



 1052. Cross Reference Study


1052 Galates  * galatians , {1052 Galates } ,



 1052 - Galates -  Gal 03:01 Galatians