0655 Ro 12:9 abhor

0655.  Strong's Dictionary Study

0655. apostugeo {ap-os-toog-eh'-o}: from 575 and the base of 4767; to detest utterly: --abhor.[ql



 0655 -- abhor.

0655   Interlinear Index Study

0655  ROM 012 009 [ Let ]  love <0026 -agape -> be without <0505 -anupokritos -> dissimulation <0505 -anupokritos -> .  Abhor <{0655} -apostugeo -> that which is evil <4190 -poneros -> ;  cleave <2853 -kollao -> to that which is good <0018 -agathos -> .



  apostugeo 0655 -- abhor.



   abhor 0655 #  Expanded Dictionary Study

  abhor 0655 # apostugeo {ap-os-toog-eh'-o}: from 575 and the base of 4767; to detest utterly: -- {abhor}.[ql



 0655. Cross Reference Study




 0655 - apostugeo -  Rom 12:09 abhor