0718 2Co 11:2 espoused

0718.  Strong's Dictionary Study

0718. harmozo {har-mod'-zo}; from 719; to joint, i.e. (figuratively) to woo (reflexively, to betroth): --espouse.[ql



 0718 -- espouse.

0718   Interlinear Index Study

0718  2CO 011 002 For I am jealous <2206 -zeloo -> over you with godly <2316 -theos -> jealousy <2205 -zelos -> :  for I have espoused <{0718} -harmozo -> you to one <1520 -heis -> husband <0435 -aner -> ,  that I may present <3936 -paristemi ->  [ you as ]  a chaste <0053 -hagnos -> virgin <3933 -parthenos -> to Christ <5547 -Christos -> .



  harmozo 0718 -- espouse.

* espoused , 0718 , 3423 ,




 Expanded Dictionary Study



 0718. Cross Reference Study


0718 harmozo  * espoused , {0718 harmozo } , 3423 mnesteuo  ,



 0718 - harmozo -  2Co 11:02 espoused